world war 2

Unit 2 • Chapter 4

Aftermath of World War 2


The aftermath of World War II saw lingering resentments, retribution, and struggles for peace in Europe. Military victory for the Allies did not erase deep-rooted ideological and social divisions. Post-war Europe faced horrors such as mass destruction, rape, and starvation. Anti-semitism persisted despite the defeat of Nazis, leading to mass emigration to Israel. Collaboration and resistance during occupation raised complex moral questions, resulting in brutal revenge on collaborators. Retribution towards Nazis through Nuremberg trials was well-known, but local resistors in various countries carried out extrajudicial executions and acts of violence against collaborators. The post-war period was marked by desperation and a quest for justice, with various forms of retaliation against those perceived as enemies.

Concept Check

What challenges did Europe face in creating peace after World War 2?