World War 2

Unit 2

Major Battles of World War 2

Battle of Stalingrad
D-Day Invasion
Battle of Midway

Unit 1 • Chapter 3

Appeasement Policy


Britain and France are criticized for their appeasement of Hitler and Mussolini before World War II, allowing the fascist powers to grow stronger. Economic challenges, military weaknesses, and public war aversion limited their actions. Hitler reintroduced conscription in 1935, met with appeasement. Italy's conquest of Ethiopia prompted no strong response due to military limitations. Germany's militarization of the Rhineland went unopposed by France despite military superiority. The Munich conference in 1938 saw the ceding of the Sudetenland to Germany, showcasing further appeasement efforts by Britain and France.

Concept Check

What major event happened in early 1938 related to the Appeasement Policy?

Why was Czechoslovakia ceded the Sudetenland during the Munich conference?

What was a consequence of the appeasement of Hitler and Mussolini?

How did France and Britain react to Germany's militarization of the Rhineland?