Cyber Security

Unit 2 • Chapter 4

Web Application Security Best Practices


Web applications allow users to access programs without the need for installation, using a modern web browser. Examples include webmail, online office suites, online shopping, online banking, and social media. Web applications run on remote servers, which access databases storing information like product details, customer information, and sales data. If a web application is hacked, it can lead to significant loss for the company and its customers. The process of searching for an item on an online shopping site involves four steps: the user enters keywords, the web application queries the products database, the database returns search results, and the web application formats and displays the results.

Concept Check

What is a web application in the context of the provided transcript?

Why is it advantageous to use web applications instead of installing programs according to the transcript?

How does the provided transcript describe the role of servers in web applications?

What is the potential risk if an attacker hacks a web application according to the transcript?